Vulnerable but Strong - Welcome to my life

I'm Black Iris (as far as you know) I'll talk about my life here. Just like an online journal. Join in (if you dare) XD

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Location: Canada

I'm a faithful Christian, I want to travel around the world one day My favourite website is: , it's very funny. I know that life is no coincidence, nothing is a coincidence. I love watching dramas even though some situations are obvious, on how they end. I very, very hard to impress, so if you do impress me, you did a very great job. I love singing and being a behind the scenes person.I don't want to be in the magic, I want to make the magic.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Easter Week

My family is Christian so we do celebrate Easter and the fact that the LORD died for us on the cross for our sins.

So recently I've recieved an email from a missinary that's faithfully teaching the gospeal to the people in Thailand. One of the missionary's kid was praying for the family and this is how he prayed: "Thank you, thank you, thank you that you died and came back to life. Because if you didn't we'd be rotting in hell instead of going to heaven." Amen

If that isn't cute I don't know what is.
When I was done reading this I couldn't help but smile because it's sooo true! If Jesus didn't die for us we WOULD be rotting in hell instead of going to heaven. So lets thank the Lord for all that he has done for us and thank him for each day because we don't know when the last will come. If you aren't Christian it's OK. But simply waking up in the morning under a roof is something you should be thankful for.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

My dreams or yours?

I was just watching this Taiwanese drama called "Romantic Princess" and it basically revolves around love and dreams.

This guy was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and has grown up to be a very fine young man. He has everything a girl would look for and everything a guy would envy. His personality though is different. He surpresses his emotions and never reveals them b/c he fears of becoming to vulnerable. He does has one dream though that he told this girl about. He just wants to be middle class and work in a workshop with small machine gears, live in a ordinary house, raise a dog with his wife by his side.

One day his boss told him that he had to get married to his granddaughter so that he could be successor for his boss's company. He ofcourse doesn't want to b/c he has dreams of his own. But of course he slowly falls in love with the granddaughter and vise versa. He then feels like he have to give up his dream.

Any ways I've watched this all on Youtube and there was one comment that was posted and it really gets you thinking.

" You shouldn't have to give up your dreams for somebody else just because you love them. I've been in that kind of situation before and it ended with a lot of resentment on mine and my boyfriends half because both of us gave up a dream that was very important to us. Love is a lot of comprise yes but you shouldn't have to give up your dreams, beliefs or morals for it. If they expect you to change than it isn't really love, they should love you as you are."

Monday, April 18, 2011

Is rice fresh?

Today, I was in my Foods & Nuitritions class. We were going through some recipes in some magazines and if we found one we were to show the teacher and she'll see if it's appropriate for our summative which is to cook a meal for our family. My friend found a rice recipe which is for his side dish. He was going to write it down on his market order list when he asked, "Is rice fresh?" My whole group just starred at him like, are- you- serious-? kind of face. OMG I laughed so hard. I knew it was mean but I just couldn't help it. haha =P Any ways

smile and breathe air.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

April showers bring may flowers

Well, it snowed again. Not like a blizzard but it snowed. Then it stopped.

The weather got foggyer today though. That means it just might rain instead of snow this week. It's also Jackie Chan's birthday today ( April 7) and my friend's birthday! I gave her a CD and I personalized it. I really hope she likes it. I mean good things come in small packages right? And a good gift comes from the heart. =) It's the thought that counts guys. A present doesn't have to be big, fancy, or expensive. You might say only cheap people say that but it's true. So think about that before you buy or make someone's gift next time.

God Bless,


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Bill Gates Ten Rules

These are some rules that my grade 8 teacher talked to my class about and they really are spoken wisely. Enjoy =)

1. Life's not fair, get use to it

2. The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world would expect you to accompolish something before you feel good about yourself

3. You will not make $40,000 in a year right out of high school

4. If you think your teacher's tough wait until you get a boss

5. Flipping burgers isn't beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had a different word for burger flipping; they called it opportunity.

6. You mess it up, it isn't your parent's fault. Learn from your mistakes

7. Before you were born your parent's weren't as boring as they were now. They get that way from paying bills, laundry,cleaning, cooking etc...

8. Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life has not. In some schools they have abolished failing grades; they'll give you as many times as you want to get the right answer. This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to anything in real life. Your school might give you second chances but life doesn't

9. Life isn't divided into semesters. You won't get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you find yourself

10. Television is not reality. In real life people leave the coffee shop for a real job

Just a rule you should know: Be nice to nerds, chances are they'll be your boss

- Bill Gates

" Work hard, Play hard"
" Know your limits, Push your limits"


Saturday, April 2, 2011

Kalo Meena

Kalo Meena everyone! That means Happy Month in Greek. It's said one the first day of every month just to wish you a happy month. So KALO MEENA!

APRIL SHOWERS BRING MAY FLOWERS! I'm sure you guys have heard of. My last part of March has been stressful but good. I handed in my storyboard for my English project and I finished my health assignment. =) There was something strange though that happend here in Canada. There were no April showers but there was... Let me explain: On the first week of spring guess what happened? IT SNOWED! Yeah, I know. It snowed. Sad part is some people were dressed in spring wear and ended up walking in the snow to get home. Luckly my dad drives me home.

NEXT!!! I don't think you remember but back then I had a friend that didn't tell me she had a boyfriend and I ended up finding out from another friend in gym class. Don't worry we're good buddies I was just mad that she didn't tell me but we're good now. Well I have anothe friend that did the same thing to me. Except for this time (gonna call her SM). SM is dating my friend who's like my brother. IT'S AwKwArD. I also had to find this out from other friends. =( Anyways life isn't fair but SM still remains to be my friend. I just think dating at this time isn't living a healthy lifestyle unless you really love that person to the point that you know you have a future with him/her. *sigh* But I shouldn't be worrying about this. What we should be really worrying about is the earthquake that happened in Japan.

Poor Japan. Suffered a level 8 earthquake and a flood. There was a dog that was on a roof for 3 weeks and the roof was surrounded but water. It didn't have any food to eat or water to drink. It was probably very scared. I have dogs of my own so I feel for it and even though you might not have dogs you might feel for it too. I mean just thinking of it is just ... horrible. The dog did get rescued but it took 9 hours because dogs are scared of helicopters. No one claimed the dog probably because the owners died in the catastrophe. Don't worry. The dog was brought on to a war ship where it's being taken care of.

Pray for the people in Japan and pray for their health and safety. I just finished watching a program in Hong Kong where all these Chinese celebrities came together to sing for Japan and they raised money at the same time. Jackie Chan was there and they showed a clip of Lionel Richie where he sang, "Say You, Say Me." Lionel said that Jackie Chan contacted him and told him to sing for Japan and it was extremely touching to watch the clip and see the crowd singing with Lionel. Lets all be thankful that we get to sleep in a comfortable bed tonight and just be thankful b/c we don't know what's going to happen the next day.

God Bless,
