Vulnerable but Strong - Welcome to my life

I'm Black Iris (as far as you know) I'll talk about my life here. Just like an online journal. Join in (if you dare) XD

My Photo
Location: Canada

I'm a faithful Christian, I want to travel around the world one day My favourite website is: , it's very funny. I know that life is no coincidence, nothing is a coincidence. I love watching dramas even though some situations are obvious, on how they end. I very, very hard to impress, so if you do impress me, you did a very great job. I love singing and being a behind the scenes person.I don't want to be in the magic, I want to make the magic.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Respect for Hippocrates

Hippocrates use to be an ancient Greek physician and also known as the "father of medicine" is a man who greatly advanced the system study of medicine. <-- took that of wiki.

He had great knowledge of medicine and also had passion for it. He showed that by making his students say a vow.

"As soon as I enter any building. I will advance forward for the patient's blessing.
All unjust, evil actions are forbidden. Also, when I diagnose the patient all that I see and smell must not be revealed to others. I must remain silent."

These concept are considered basic but most doctors over look them.
I was just touched when I read this because this really showed how passionate he was to his medical studies, and how committed he was to treating the patients. Lets all be inspired by Hippocrates and commit ourselves into doing something. FINISH WHAT YOU START.

P.S. Live life, breathe air
- BlackIris

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My 100th post

This is my 100th post, YAY!!! My summer has been great so far because of my great friends and my loving family that I can't thank GOD enough for. I've been watching a lot of drama about love and I learned not to force someone to love you because it'll no longer be true love. Letting someone choose what they love is real love and that's what GOD let us do. He gave us the freedom to choose and love.

During this summer I've cried, squealed, laughed, sighed, smiled, giggled, yelled, ran, gasped, slept, groaned, screamed, complained and many more. This summer has been filled with emotion and I won't change it no matter how much imperfection there was. A little imperfection make perfection. =) It's just like a quilt you need different colours and patterns in order to end up with a nice blanket.

So cherish each moment of life.

P.S. Drama is soo addicting. You just have to watch . Your mood is also better.

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Thursday, August 11, 2011


I just came back from Vancouver and it was amazing. It was a ten day tour with a whole bunch of things to see. I took so many pictures and I even bought so souvenirs for my friends. There was a lot of sitting though because of the long bus rides (1 -2 hours/ bus ride) but that didn't matter. I got to see lots of wonderful things the LORD has made and I also learned lots. Geography was a big help during this trip because I knew where I was going and I knew what to expect when I got to that location. For example Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba are the three prairie provinces so I knew the landscape would be long, wide, and very flat. =) Helps to pay attention in class, good to know. LOL

Anyways when we got to Van. it was amazing because there's a really nice ocean view and the city isn't too hot during the summer. You also get a nice mountain view where ever you go. It isn't too hot during the summer because the ocean breeze comes in. It's only about 23◦C (73.4 Fahrenheit) when I was there. The shopping is good, the malls are pretty Hong Kong style. There's a lot of Asians there too. =P

I hope you guys get a chance to visit Van. You'll enjoy. I promise.

GOD Bless,
