Vulnerable but Strong - Welcome to my life

I'm Black Iris (as far as you know) I'll talk about my life here. Just like an online journal. Join in (if you dare) XD

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Location: Canada

I'm a faithful Christian, I want to travel around the world one day My favourite website is: , it's very funny. I know that life is no coincidence, nothing is a coincidence. I love watching dramas even though some situations are obvious, on how they end. I very, very hard to impress, so if you do impress me, you did a very great job. I love singing and being a behind the scenes person.I don't want to be in the magic, I want to make the magic.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Pom appétit!

I'm doing a project on pomegranates at school for Food & Nuitrition so my mom bought me a pomegranate to try. My dad and I opened it up to find it full of arils. We got a spoon and smacked it silly till the arils fell out. We took some and ate it. It was abit sour and abit sweet. The arils were hard in the middle so it was like eating seeds. My dad said it's bad for your digestive system so we sucked the juice from the arils and spit out the hard stuff in the middle. I really prefer dragon fruit (I know so Asian). -_-

So my dad and I decided that we never want to buy it again unless it's a bottle of POM juice.

The pomegranate opened.

The arils in the pomegranate.You see the white center? That's the seed inside the aril.



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