Micheal and Deep
Today I went to a memorial for Micheal and Deep. They were these two people that went to my school (Henry Kelsey) and they were and still are friends. After the day of graduation they decided take a swim at an apartment building's pool which is no surprise since summer is hot. They drowned that day and were immediatley sent to the hospital. Deep was pronounced dead but Micheal seem to still have a heart beat and was put on life support. Everyone was crying and shocked at the news. I for one had no idea that happend. I hardly knew them I only knew that they exist in this world and their names but that was it. On that very day my dad and I were going home when we saw two ambulances rush by our car. My dad was curious b/c that rarely happens. I quicly forgot about it.
My dad and I on July 1(The very next day) we were driving down the road to home go and we pasted my school. We saw a whole bunch of people at the front of my school all dressed in black. I thought it was just a gathering. Apprently not. That night I went on my facebook and saw a whole bunch of "Micheal & Deep 2010" I had no idea what happened I clicked on one of the pages and finally learned the shocking news. In my whole life I never saw this coming. I hardly knew them but it stills shocked me. My friend that dated Micheal was depressed, I didn't see her that whole summer but her facebook page told me everything.
My dad and I on July 1(The very next day) we were driving down the road to home go and we pasted my school. We saw a whole bunch of people at the front of my school all dressed in black. I thought it was just a gathering. Apprently not. That night I went on my facebook and saw a whole bunch of "Micheal & Deep 2010" I had no idea what happened I clicked on one of the pages and finally learned the shocking news. In my whole life I never saw this coming. I hardly knew them but it stills shocked me. My friend that dated Micheal was depressed, I didn't see her that whole summer but her facebook page told me everything.
Micheal's parents decided to unplug the life supporter they knew who won't wake up. I couldn't help thinking what it that was a person I was really close to? What if i did know them how would have I reacted? 

Micheal was a person that was shy, funny and athletec. He wanted to become a professional basketball player when he grew up. He often compare himself to Micheal Jordan his sister decribed their relationship as a love hate relationship and I think that's sweet. Deep was a person with good marks a a bright furture ahead of him.
Today at the memorial the sky was cloudy it was like mother nature was mourning with us. My classmate Jeffery and some other friends of his was sharing some moments about Micheal and Deep. When it was Jeffery's turn he didn't even get to finish his speech when he stuttered on his words . Jeffery is a strong person and is probably the last person you expect shed a tear. I could feel everyone holding back their tears at the memorial. I cried after holding the tears back for a long time as I hugged my friend, she was crying uncontrobally. Life is to short to live on regret and revenge. Sometimes you just have to move on and live life. Micheal and Deep got that taken away from them but I hope that GOD is taken care of them. I also couldn't help but think at the memorial that Micheal and Deep brought us together today and they left something with us that we'll never forget. WE'LL ALWAYS REMEMBER.
You have so much depth in your writing... you really help the reader feel the emotions that were present. Keep writing!
During high school, two different students that were in classes of mine passed away, one in a car accident, and one from a drug overdose. I didn't really know them, but I'd seen them every day, and it too affected me. Its just hard to realize that someone your age could ever pass away. You're right, life is too short! Keep living!
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